Friday, December 19, 2014

#112 Diet change for my young adults

It all started with a "Meatless" Spinach Lasagna Roll-Up recipe we had for dinner.  Jen's Spinach Lasagna Roll-Ups Recipe.  We typically will have two days were we will have meat in our dinner rotation, two days of a bean type meal and two days were we will have some type of pasta meal. 

My 16 year old asked the aged-old question -- "What's for dinner."  Here's how it went down:

Me:  Lasagna.
Son:  Let me guess, no meat.
Me:  You guessed it.
Son:  Why is it we never have meat anymore in our lasagna?
Me:  We have meat twice per week, as a matter-of-fact we had that for the last two days.
Son:  I know, but we never have it in our lasagna.

This discussion brought forth a chain reaction.  At dinner dad and I began to talk about the eating habits of our teenagers.  For the most part, I felt their diet was OK compared to a lot of teens their age but then dad made it clear we needed to re-evaluate what they ate more carefully. 

  • Breakfast:  Cheerios (no milk), a ready-made sausage for the microwave and toast. 
  • Lunch:  Bologna sandwich and tortilla chips.  My oldest will have an apple but the other does not eat fruit (unless forced). 
  • Snacks:  Graham Crackers, pretzels, Fruit and Grain Cereal Bar, Clubhouse crackers and a box of raisins. 
  • Dinner: would consist of something healthy that I cook for the entire family which varies nightly. 

Needless to say, the snacks are no longer an everyday option.  Fruit and vegetables are now the new norm.  Both myself and the hubby feel if we are going to eat healthy -- primarily something green or a fruit with breakfast/lunch/dinner and our snacks -- why not our kids. 

Believe it or not, they did not take this hard.  It was as if they knew it was coming and took it very well.  I thought there would be a big kicking and screaming (not literally) but there wasn't.  We will continue to have our eat out day on Saturday's which is something we all enjoy  -- but for the rest of the week -- they will have better nutrition in their diets.  Thanks to hubby!  And yes, we will have meat in our lasagna from time to time in the future.

Until next time...

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