Thursday, February 19, 2015

#119 The Mind -- Think on These Things....

Disclaimer:  If you have come to this blog thinking all you will read about is Yo-Yo Eating No More -- you are sorely mistaken...hence the title AND SO MUCH MORE.  Gotta love blogging :-)))

The mind is a funny thing.  I look at it as a big REPLAY button...

But the funny thing is -- what's replayed the most is the unpleasant stuff.  Have you noticed that?  For instance, I've been doing this blog since 2012 and I hardly get any comments.  My mind replays that over and over.  It skips over the fact that I have over 22 THOUSAND VIEWS -- and that people are always complimenting and saying how much they enjoy it.  How soon we forget all of that because the mind replays the fact that you did not get one comment today on your post -- boohoo!!!

Have you ever had on an outfit or your hair was on "POINT" and just about everyone complimented you on how nice you looked and this one individual doesn't say a word but the eyes says it all -- or at least in your MIND the eyes says it all!

You know what I'm talking about -- right lol???  The replay button just keeps going back over and over and over and over on that face in your MIND.  No matter all the 50 thousand compliments you got before hand -- that ONE person sticks in your mind -- and you can't seem to turn off the REPLAY button.

The Bible talks about this because God knows our mind is a powerful thing.  It has the ability to think on ALL types of things but it focuses on the unpleasant things.  The Bible has to help us to focus on what to think on.  So before you start thinking about all kinds of mess the bible says this:

"Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things (Philippians 4:8)."
Example:  Think about those people that we think are living the life.  Hollywood stars, bloggers with 10 million comments (ha!!), people that appear to have it all together.  Well, life is not what it appears.  Robin William, for instance, loads of movies, beautiful wife who loves him, money, fame -- but the mind torments and it has to be something we shut off.  We have the power, with the help of the Lord.

Let's pay attention!  The mind can have you on a trip that will take you outta here.  We ALL have so much to be thankful for.  So-much-so that we can shut that replay button off and FOCUS on the good.


Until next time...

Please leave a comment below (If you like -- ha!)). Thanks for visiting.


Anonymous said...

Re: your blog post - Amen and well said!

Renee barry said...

Thanks my friend, I know who you are -- and you are such an encouragement to me. Love ya!

Karen said...

Jesus said, as a man thinks in his heart, so is he. That's why its so important to carefully monitor what we allow our minds to rest upon, because eventually it will show up in our actions. Thanks for the post!! Blessings!

Renee barry said...

Thanks Karen for your comment.

Unknown said...

Yes Renee the mind is powerful and will latch onto the negative and run riot with wrongful thoughts. However as you highlighted Philippians 4:8 will place our mind squarely on God's words. Meditating on Christ as much through the day makes it easier to shift our mindsets. Thanks for a beautiful post.

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing a beautiful post. Yes Renee the mind is powerful and without God's aid it will run riot with negative thoughts. As you highlighted Philippians 4:8 is an effective way of meditating on Christ.

Renee barry said...

Thanks for commenting. You are so right about the mind running riot with negative thoughts. We have to be intentional everyday by feeding our mind the word of God and other things that are encouraging and uplifting to keep this mind in check. It's a daily thing. And the bible says we have to do it -- He won't do it for us. Thanks again for reading and commenting. God bless.

Unknown said...

Earlier today, I had to tell myself to stop thinking about one incident that took place with a family member. I asked God to show me how to handle it at the right time and I let it go. We have to mentally choose to think on the things in Phil 4:8.
Thank for sharing!

Renee barry said...

M Jernigan,
Thanks for checking out the post. You are so correct by saying we have to mentally choose. We can also choose not to and continue to torment ourselves. Life is made up of many choices -- God allows us to choose -- thank God for our road map the BIBLE!!! God bless you!