Friday, November 7, 2014

#106 Bottle Art Tree -- It's GROWING!!!!

My Bottle Art Tree is growing!!!  I'm excited to say during the month of October -- one of my birthday presents to myself was a bottle tree from The Little Shop Around the Corner.

This store was a great find.  It's an antique and collectible shop that resells vintage merchandise donated to the Missouri Botanical Garden.  As you know, Missouri Botanical Garden is one of my favorite places in the world.  So I will have to add this one to the list.

I have enjoyed unique art for the garden and in my opinion this bottle art is brilliant.  It is something that is very inexpensive -- but yet adds a burst of color to your yard.  It's something that can stay out year round and it's eye catching.  Here's my before and after picture of my tree art:

I had fun finding my bottles at different thrift stores.  They ran from $1-2.  Also I received a box of free ones from a restaurant in my neighborhood.  SWEET!!!  So Sweet indeed that I started a new tree with a garden trellis I had sitting around.

My new addition
So now that it's getting cold and all the pretty color from the flowers have faded away, I can always look out my window and see this splash of color glistening back at me.  Ran, snow, wind or hail -- I will have something to look out to that will bring a little smile to my face.  Now that's what I call small pleasures!!!

Until next time...

Post to check out:
My Bottle Art Tree - Beginning Post.

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