Thursday, November 22, 2012

#17 Be Intentional in Whatever You Do!

I love listening to Randy on Bott Radio Network (91.5 FM here in MO) and his program called, Intentional Living.  It lets me know that in whatever we do we need to make up in our own minds to be intentional.  What is intentional?  It means, to me, that you are doing it on purpose -- with all your heart and mind.

The bible says, Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men -- Colossian 3:23 (New International Version).  In other words, I do whatever I do as if the Lord is watching -- not for man's benefit.

So that introduction brings me to this..."I Choose Joy!!!"

What does that have to do with Healthy living???!! 

A whole lot.  When I choose joy, I am saying -- no matter how bad my day is, no matter who makes me mad, no matter what the weather, what the scale says, who hurts my feelings, who cuts me off on the road -- you get the point -- I am going to CHOOSE JOY!  Why, because I have a choice.  I can choose how I am going to respond to these issues.  Only me.  No one else can choose for me how I am going to respond.  I INTENTIONALLY choose JOY.

How that effects my health -- because I live at peace with my choice,  I am not burden down with ulcers or depression or other ailments.  I shake off the thoughts that want to burden me down.  I choose joy instead of all the other negative adjectives out there.

Does this mean I never have a bad day any more or I just walk around with a big smile on my face everyday?

Hey look at me, I'm happy with no cares in the world!!

No, I don't have great days everyday, I am human, but it's still a choice -- I can wallow in my issues or I can choose joy!  No matter how bad they tend to be in my eyes -- I CHOOSE JOY.  It makes my days very bright and life worth living.  Joyce Meyers states in her book, "Battlefield of the Mind" --

"Even a person who is really positive won't
have everything work out the way he would
like it to all the time.  But the positive person
can go ahead and decide to enjoy himself no
matter what happens.  The negative person
never enjoys anything."

So I say all of that to encourage you as well.  Don't allow your situations or circumstances to dictate how you are going to respond to life.  Right where you are, you can put a smile on your face and say -- "Lord it's yours."  Make up in your mind that you don't have to allow "IT" -- (whatever or whoever "It" is) to eat you up inside -- or you can say, "That's OK, I'm going to be joyful and trust that You have my back.  You will not allow this thing or person to bring me down.  I'm going to trust You today Lord with this situation.  It's in Your hands.  Take control!!!"

I choose ...

Why not join me!!!

Update on the green smoothies
Oh, by-the-way -- the green smoothies are not going well (I still choose joy ... haha).  The reason is because they don't have specific amounts to the recipes.  I'm pretty much making them up myself and that defeats my purpose.  I will perhaps be trying another book -- I am recording my findings and I don't have a favorite to report as of yet.  I will keep you posted...

Until next time...

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

really excellent reminder that it is a choice. it doesn't feel like a choice sometimes! But it is