Have You Been to Whole Foods Market Lately?
Last weekend, I woke up bright and early and spent a lovely afternoon perusing Whole Foods Market. I love Whole Foods, but "OOH-WE" on a Saturday afternoon it can get pretty tight on the inside. I believe everybody and their mommas had the same idea as myself -- "Let's Go to Whole Foods!!!"
Believe me, this picture was not taken on a Saturday! |
This was more like it -- On the Inside!!! |
Nevertheless, I was out (by myself, mind you) taking my time and just checking stuff out. I must say, I don't get a chance to do this often -- it's usually -- get what you came for and go. Therefore, I did not let the crowd bother me.
I didn't know anything about this -- but I just so happened to be there and they were having this going on:
Passport Event
Enter for a chance to Win a $50 WFM gift card along with a list of healthy pantry items recommended by our HSH experts!
Looking for ways to make healthy choices in your diet? Want to learn more about our Health Starts Here program? Swing by Whole Foods Market and taste items throughout the store that are nutrient-dense and delicious. Pick up a passport at the front of the store and visit each department for a tasty and nutritious sample. . Shoppers who visit all the sample stations and complete the passport can enter to win a Healthy Pantry Makeover. The winner will receive a $50 WFM gift card along with a list of healthy pantry items recommended by our HSH experts!
I wish I was blogging to say I won -- (maybe I will, if I do win) but I must say it was a very nice surprise to have a "chance" to win something while sampling great food. It allowed me to try some things I would have never tried. For instance, So Delicious Cultured Coconut Milk Vanilla (was like yogurt) with Hemp Seeds. Mighty delicious it was!!! OK folks, sometimes you have to get out of the box and try some new things -- it may not LOOK appetizing but after you've TASTED it -- you're hooked! Here's a sneak peak at it:
I had already bought the Hemp Seed from Costco -- so now I know another way to eat it!!! YUM!!! |
I walked around looking at everything (just about -- but there is so much in that store -- it would take days to see everything). I also purchased Go Raw 100% Organic Pumpkin Super Chips and Bob's Red Mill Polenta Corn Grits!
Have you ever had a taste for something and you had to HAVE IT -- well it was grits for me! LOL!!
A friend of mine posted a picture on Facebook of cooked eggs that looked like pizza dough (picture it) flattened and on top she put tomato sauce, broccoli, turkey sausage and mozzarella to resemble a pizza -- which she then cooked in the oven. Well, I took it a little further and made the exact same thing but I added my Polenta Corn Grits on top of the eggs and added the other ingredients. I used leftover chicken and Romano cheese instead. Here's my picture:
SO GOOD!!!! |
It took away my hankering for Grits. I know I sound country, "hankering" -- but it just fit -- you know??? I cut it up like pizza slices and that's all she wrote!
My trip to Whole Foods was relaxing and enjoyable. I know -- a health nut -- enjoying walking around a health food store -- not a lot of peoples idea of enjoyable -- but it was great!!!
Can't wait to peruse other places -- just for the fun of it!
Until next time...
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