Tuesday, July 7, 2015

#132 Garden Surprises

It's that time of the year when everything is popping  up.  Surprisingly I've had some flops.  Why?  God only knows.  I planted a whole bunch of Zinnia's from seed and this is what popped up instead.



and more WEEDS...

So because of all these nasty weeds -- I had to use some elbow grease and get down and dirty by pulling everything up.  I ended up replacing all the weeds with perennials (flowers that come back every year) from my existing garden.  So this is wha it looks like now.

Liatris/Blazing Star

Hosta and Hydrangea
Few Zinnia's that survived
Fountain Grass and Hosta

Day Lillies

Much better

Gardening is a matter of trail and error.  You should never give up though.  Sometimes you have flops but it's a big, big world out there with plenty other replacement options.  I love the fact that I was able to get these free replacements with my existing plants from my yard.   Now that's a win-win.

Until next time...

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