Friday, August 24, 2012

#4 Water...

My Hummingbird Friend Tony
I was told by someone very close to me that my breath had an unusual smell.  I was told that it didn't smell bad like a skunk or anything but it was peculiar.  Now you know I'm telling all (LOL).  I respect this person and knew they loved me to tell me this.  I truly could not tell that I had a "peculiar" smell -- so I took note to find out what the problem could be. 

You may ask, what does this have to do with yo-yo eating???  Well, it ties in because of my lack of organization with my food.  In my last post I mentioned how I started becoming organized with my food by using a free software called Pepperplate. (  It has changed my way of eating.  Lack of binging.  I had to get organized.  So the same with drinking -- I had to incorporate drinking water in the equation as well.  When I drink more water I am less likely to binge on unnecessary food.

Back to the peculiar smell...

When I visited my dentist, the hygienist said she did not smell anything peculiar but I wondered if it was a tooth in the back of my mouth that had chipped that may have been the cause of what my friend was noticing.  I had the tooth fixed and the hygienist asked me a question that changed me.  The question was -- "How much water do you drink?"  She mentioned, because of lack of water, deep down in your belly the remains of food that is not being flushed out regularly could be a cause of your mouth/breath smelling "peculiar."

Well she didn't have to tell me twice.  I have always been one that despises drinking water.  Yeah, I will have the occasional glass here and there throughout the day but 8 to 10 glasses per day was just not happening (and I exercise practically everyday so I need even more of it).  Even my flying hummingbird friend "Tony" and his buddies have a habit of drinking all day long.  They are constantly at my window sipping watered-down nectar all throughout the day. 

I began to look around in my garden and I saw amazing things that flourished just because of, you guessed it, water.  It is August and everyday I make it my business to go outside and water my plants, without fail.  I had enough sense to know that they need the water to stay healthy and grow beautifully, but I didn't give my body that attention.  I had to make a change....

Showing off my beautiful flowers still flourishing in August
Hey it's my blog, I'll show off if I want to!  LOL

I am now getting my water in.  I'm making sure that I keep a bottle close wherever I am.  Sipping throughout the day like my good friend Tony (the hummingbird).  Not only is my breath no longer peculiar, but my skin has cleared up, my nails look better and I'm sure a host of other good things are churning on the inside.  Just the other day a young lady was telling her mother-in-law that she couldn't believe I was 46.  She said "You need no air-brushing, your skin is so clear."  It was great to get the compliment and it made me think of how important it is to get my water in.  Have you had your 8 to 10 cups of water today?

Until next time...

Now that school is in, and I homeschool, I will be posting every Friday only.  Enjoy your weekend!

Until next time...

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